Enyoy yourself

I just had to man..
Bjuder lite på mig själv

Gissa vem som bajsar på riktigt???

Tagen på bar gärning

Visst blir bilden fiin så??

This's how retards paartääääy

And they eaven keep the robotdance alive

N sometime retards can get the mongolid look =)

N when they start to laugh...

they can't stop

N when they realise that your'e laughin at them not with them...

They get more than just ANGRY

N start to blaming ppl about it

It took me ONE kiss to be happy again :D

Then they maked it up for me by being the 1rst one tasting the cake

very very good cake me happy

and the it started to feel very very wierd in my body

Oh yeaah baby I think it was the CAKE duuude

So I started to do my dancing

N moore dancing..

I couldn't stop, so I gave the birthday girl a dance to

N I did the thing that they do at channel tv1000 after midnight

But then my friend got jealouse n wanted to KILL ME :|

N then she forgave me.. n 2day we're still best friends :D

assååå helt ärligt.. så vet jag inte hur jag lyckas hahha

Postat av: Camilla

Fin blogg =)

2010-03-04 @ 12:01:03
URL: http://shooho.blogg.se/
Postat av: LAACY

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA du är bääääst!!!!! LOVE U <3

2010-03-04 @ 12:03:17
URL: http://mami89.blogg.se/

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